Dance to the Music

Here I will regale you with tales of death, destruction, music & jam, but mostly the music. Since I am regularly being ridiculed for my HMV-style room, stand up & salute the maggot-ridden corpse of 'Top of the Pops' as I present: Jon's (very nearly) Definitive Top Five(ish) Albums of All the Years, Ever (as long as they fall between 1988 and now). As the Scissor Sisters would say, "Ta-Dah!"



1999Supergrass - Supergrass
Lali Puna - Tridecoder
Joy Zipper - Joy Zipper
Fantastic Plastic Machine - Luxury
Sigur Ros - Agaetis Byrjun

Okay, this year you're just going to get three word reviews, to stop this from getting any longer & out of hand, and also to disguise my own repetitiveness & lack of inspiration. The last two are, respectively, another Japanese group & yet another Icelandic band. I'm not sure that making this list was a good idea. I used to think of my taste in music as quite eclectic, but now I see that there are certain patterns cropping up that make me appear more narrow minded than I would like. Oh well, sod the introspection, these records are great, and I am, of course, right!

Supergrass - grubby, hungry & warm.

Lali Puna - a broken, slippery fidget.

Joy Zipper - jean-rippingly mellow.

Fantastic Plastic Machine - a four-eyed flirt.

Sigur Ros - relentless, floaty madness.


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