Dance to the Music

Here I will regale you with tales of death, destruction, music & jam, but mostly the music. Since I am regularly being ridiculed for my HMV-style room, stand up & salute the maggot-ridden corpse of 'Top of the Pops' as I present: Jon's (very nearly) Definitive Top Five(ish) Albums of All the Years, Ever (as long as they fall between 1988 and now). As the Scissor Sisters would say, "Ta-Dah!"



1990Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas
The Breeders - Pod
Beats International - Let Them Eat Bingo
Happy Mondays - Pills n Thrills & Bellyaches
Wilson Phillips - Wilson Phillips

And as we leap into the 90s we have another strong contender for best album ever from the Cocteau Twins, though most of my friends would disagree, but they are wrong. We have the Breeders (complete with Tanya D, yay), Beats International (though I preferred the single version of Burundi Blues to the album, so there), Happy Mondays (ah, who remembers the 'Step On' video lingering around on the Chart Show for what seemed like months? Whatever happened to Rowetta and her kettles?) and, of course, Wilson Phillips (what was I thinking? But their parents were cool, where did it all go wrong?).

Postscript: I am having some niggling regrets after listing 'Wilson Phillips' as one of my top albums. In a drink-fuelled frenzy I searched them out on Youtube and was both entertained and horrified by what I saw (chiefly by their drag queen counterparts that I was forced to contend with). I remember really liking the album at the time, but listening to it now it's actually quite, quite awful (and not in a good way). Just a warning then, in case any of you are fool hardy enough to base your purchasing decisions on my otherwise flawless expert knowledge.


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